It is discussed how controlled adaptation relates to the Plasticity Versus Stability Conundrum in neuroscience.

N2 - This paper contributes an analysis of how in mental and social processes, humans often apply specific mental models and learn and adapt them in a controlled manner.
© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. T1 - A Cognitive Architecture for Mental Processes Involving Mental Models Analysed from a Self-modeling Network Viewpoint Other options that were distinguished from the analysis here, are offered as interesting options for future research.", Many of these options were illustrated by a several realistic examples that were formalized by self-modeling networks. Making use of the specific network characteristics offered by the self-modeling network structure format, a large number of options for different types of adaptation of mental models and different types of control over adaptation of mental models were obtained. It is discussed here from a self-modeling network viewpoint how this cognitive architecture can be modeled as a self-modeling network. From the analysis an informal three-level cognitive architecture for controlled adaptation was obtained. Other options that were distinguished from the analysis here, are offered as interesting options for future research.Ībstract = "This paper contributes an analysis of how in mental and social processes, humans often apply specific mental models and learn and adapt them in a controlled manner.

This paper contributes an analysis of how in mental and social processes, humans often apply specific mental models and learn and adapt them in a controlled manner.